Marius sold our property within 1 week !!
Apr 23rd, 2023
Marius sold our property within 1 week using his tried and tested approach. He has tons of experience and, as clients, we can trust his advice for success. Renovations, staging and doing in-depth research to set the right price are all integral to the process to achieve ultimate success. Thank you!
George & Claudia Hamza
Sep 10th, 2018
Working with Marius was a great pleasure. We bought our first house with Marius, same for the second. Being a social person, having great knowledge about real estate market and with outstanding leadership and negotiation skills, Marius proved to me and my family that the "DO WHAT YOU LOVE, …
Working with Marius was a great pleasure. We bought our first house with Marius, same for the second. Being a social person, having great knowledge about real estate market and with outstanding leadership and negotiation skills, Marius proved to me and my family that the "DO WHAT YOU LOVE, LOVE WHAT YOU DO" is his definition of work. Thank you for your professionalism. We are looking forward to work with you again.
[read more]Daniela & Eugen Dobre
Sep 10th, 2018
Marius is a SUPERB real estate agent! He listed and sold our house in one day. His exceptional sales service and and organization skills made for a very smooth, thorough and easy to understand sales process. Marius is a pleasure to work with and I would strongly recommend him and his …
Marius is a SUPERB real estate agent! He listed and sold our house in one day. His exceptional sales service and and organization skills made for a very smooth, thorough and easy to understand sales process. Marius is a pleasure to work with and I would strongly recommend him and his extraordinary team for all of your real estate needs!
Daniela & Eugen Dobre.
Tavi Hintz
Sep 10th, 2018
I am going to start with the conclusion of our experience with Marius: he is great!!! I never thought we could find such a professional and passionate agent for our first time buying a house in Canada.
We met him a short while ago at an open house that he was holding and we talked for a bit. He …
I am going to start with the conclusion of our experience with Marius: he is great!!! I never thought we could find such a professional and passionate agent for our first time buying a house in Canada.
We met him a short while ago at an open house that he was holding and we talked for a bit. He gave us his business card and told us to call him just to meet up and explain who he is and what he can do for us. We liked the fact that he didn't call to try convince us of anything, he did not pressure us and did not leave us tons of voice mails.
Well, we met with him and aside from the fact that he is a very good sales person with great work ethic, he is very experienced, informed and most of all willing to share with you all the tips and tricks to make your dream come true. He would spend hours with you, he would respond to all your questions, he would give you solutions for all the problems you may raise. He is confident and honest and he knows everything about how to act and react in a bidding war (which was the case for us) in order to win.
He is amazing!!! Absolutely amazing!!! The pressure in a bidding war it's not quite a pleasant thing to experience, but Marius helped us a lot. He is confident and knows exactly what and how to do it, not only to help you calm down, but to win the freaking thing.
We bought a beautiful house and now, come to think of it, the thing that really makes Marius amazing is not that he is an exceptional professional, but that he cares about the human being in front of him - that's passion and a very kind and humane approach on a very salesy business. Now I totally understand why his office is packed with all those awards and certificates.
Thank you, Marius!
Lucian Ilie
Sep 10th, 2018
Marius is simply the best agent you can find. Some agents can prepare well an offer, others can stage a house well, or can skilfully handle multiple offers to get the highest price. Marius has got the best of everything. From the very beginning he starts at the highest level and there is no way any …
Marius is simply the best agent you can find. Some agents can prepare well an offer, others can stage a house well, or can skilfully handle multiple offers to get the highest price. Marius has got the best of everything. From the very beginning he starts at the highest level and there is no way any other agent can keep up with him. Besides complete knowledge of all aspects of the market and perfect salesmanship skills, he likes what he is doing. He is simply impossible to beat! You can check his absolutely impressive array of awards but, most importantly, just have a look at the way he does things and you'll immediately realize the difference. And, soon after, that difference will materialize in your pocket! In our case, he sold the property 17.2% higher than the buying price just one month earlier!
[read more]Heather Garriock
Sep 10th, 2018
Marius is excellent! He is such a nice, understanding and genuine person and not "salesy" at all. He has clients best intentions at heart at all times.
Carmen and Nick Gligor
Sep 10th, 2018
Working with Marius Mitrofan and his team was a great experience. Marius guided us during the process of selling our house, he educated us on the best steps we need to take in order to generate the best outcome. He and his team professionally staged the house, professionally photographed the …
Working with Marius Mitrofan and his team was a great experience. Marius guided us during the process of selling our house, he educated us on the best steps we need to take in order to generate the best outcome. He and his team professionally staged the house, professionally photographed the property and published it on many sites generating the maximum exposure and a quick sell (7 days) over the asking price. Overall Marius exceeded our expectations, he was not afraid to even give us a hand when needed.
We highly recommend Marius and his team of professionals.
Carmen and Nick Gligor
Cris Boboc
Sep 10th, 2018
Great job! Sold the property in one, week with $120000 over asking price.
If you want to get the highest price for your property then Marius should be your agent!
Preot Ciprian Pasca
Sep 10th, 2018
MARIUS FELICITARI I!!, (-merita citit!)
iar categoria clasificarii de mai sus reprezinta succesul tau, seriozitatea, profesionalsmul si experienta cu care stii sa reprezinti clientul din toate pdvd. FELICITARI !
In ultima perioada ai reprezentat Parohia, Sf. Proroc Ilie, din Toronto in caitate …
MARIUS FELICITARI I!!, (-merita citit!)
iar categoria clasificarii de mai sus reprezinta succesul tau, seriozitatea, profesionalsmul si experienta cu care stii sa reprezinti clientul din toate pdvd. FELICITARI !
In ultima perioada ai reprezentat Parohia, Sf. Proroc Ilie, din Toronto in caitate de agent si intr-un termen foarte scurt ti-ai dovedit experienta si maestria de a cumpara si vinde proprietati in favoarea parohiei noastre, la cel mai inalt nivel.
Pe langa faptul ca in curand vom intra in noua noastra Biserica unde ne-ai reprezentat si ti-ai doveit clasa, aseara ai reusit sa vinzi o alta proprietate din custoia Parohiei cu $88.000 mai mult decat o cumparasem acum o luna.
Esti o Stea Mare din Careul de Asi al Real Estate-ului canadian si doresc sa te recomand tuturor cu cea mai mare caldura si deschidere.
In numele meu personal, al Consiliului Parohial si al Parohiei Sf. Prooroc Ilie iti aducem alese multumiri si toata binecuvantarea tie si familiei tale!
Ca sa va convingeti de cele mai sus mentionate, inainte sa vindeti sau sa cumparati, pentru a fi siguri ca ati facut alegerea cea mai buna in privinta agentului, va rog sa-i acordati-i D-lui. Marius Mitrofan 5 min, in care sa-si expuna prezentarea, care va fi un real succes pentru dumneavoastra fie ca veti cumpara sau vinde!
Marius te iubim si ne bucuram ca esti una dintre stelele romanesti care stralucesc in aceasta industrie de Real Estate!
Succes pe mai departe si Felicitari!
Cu deosebit respect,
Maria and Photios C.
Sep 10th, 2018
You can definitely be assured we will spread the word on the professionalism and experience that Marius brought to the closing table. My wife and I had peace of mind knowing that the contract was written to protect us. Thank you for your time, dedication and experience.
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